the buddies broke my camera the other inevitable outcome of being cooped up in the apartment all winter long. i am surprised, frankly, that the camera was the only thing of value to be sacrificed to the power of the buddies' destructive (for good---not evil) force. or perhaps it speaks to the fact that we really dont have much within their ready grasp that is very valuable. every thing they touch i have to be completely at terms with the fact that it could destroyed beyond all recognition. so a very long way to get to the point that i haven't posted anything new recently on account of my camera and that these picture are taken from my mom's camera the weekend the kids stayed with my folks while stephen and i spent four days in NYC. yes, we actually left brooklyn this time. i took a tour for prospective grad students around NYU's campus and located the Iyengar Institute and took a couple of (hard) classes there. we also had dinner at Pastis in the meatpacking district---a quaint bistro with a very well-researched decor (gaslights and menu written on the walls---think any French Impressionist painting of Paris bistros). But the food was heavy.
all in all we are seeing glimpses of life beyond cleveland winter and it renews us with a sense of hope that we will all be allowed to emerge from our respective grotto's and show our pastey white faces to the sun again and will once again be able to put away the wool in favor of cotton and linen. there is something very organic and very raw about the cycles of nature. birth, death and rebirth. hibernation and renewal. i feel priviledged to be a part of it.
LOVE the little republicans!!!!!!!!!
you didnt tell me you went to nyc again; sounds like it was fun.
well put. a beautiful, healthy way of looking at life. glad to be back at your blog by the way...sorry to have missed some posts! love you!
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