contrary to popular belief the inuit do not have 30+ words for snow. the actually have one verb "to snow" and then qualifiers; like falling snow, blowing snow etc... very similar to the english language. this was a somewhat disheartening discovery. i was all prepared to wax eloquently about how the inuit were much more in tune with their natural surroundings and lived bravely in harsh, arctic conditions huddled in semi-warm igloos developing thousands of different concepts for the white stuff that fell from the sky. but, no, they, in fact were/are probably a lot like us. we are all dependent on the balance of the natural world for survival. but i digress....
i am loving living through my third winter back in the north. i love the thick snow flakes, i love the blowing side-wise light airy snow, i love the snow that is great for snowman-making, i love the snow that makes the cross country skies slide easily, i love wearing wool sweater, and stamping snow off of my boots, long underwear, down parkas, cold red cheeks juxtaposed with warming fireplaces.